Our Services › Energy / Power

The mission of AISA Imagery is to improve safety and reduce risk across industries through technological innovation. AISA Imagery has used industry-leading operational expertise and experience to develop groundbreaking software and technology solutions that allow enterprise clients to effectively harness the power of drone-driven data collection and analysis. AISA Imagery enables enterprise to perform safe and cost effective drone inspections of a variety of vertical infrastructures, including but not limited to the following industries: Oil and Gas; Renewables; etc.

Oil & Gas Infrastructure

Upstream and Midstream Oil and Gas Infrastructure development projects can benefit greatly from our high-resolution orthomosaics and 3D contour maps. With full spectral phogrammetric capabilities, we can provide numerous services to oil and gas clients, including:

Environmental Compliance

  •    Stormwater management
  •    Vegetation monitoring
  •    Leak/Spill detection

Asset monitoring and risk management/mitigation

  • Regulatory reporting
  • Subsidence detection
  • Slip detection and differential analysis

Preconstruction planning and baseline assessments

  •    ROW route planning
  •    Detailed baseline topographic information
  •    Identifying sensitive areas, exclusion areas, and critical habitats
  •    Takeoffs and pre-bid data to inform contractors of potential project limitations/considerations
  •    Survey (PLS) documentation

Litigation Exhibits and Expert Witness

  •    Highly accurate site assessments
  •    Detailed site exhibits that document pre, post, and concurrent site conditions


Wind and solar power are attracting more investments than never before. You can see more poles in country side like oversize fans turning with the strength of the wind. This kind of equipment needs to be controlled on a steady base for safety and performance reason. The same is required for hectares of solar panels flourishing in hot and sometime desertic regions where you can find up to 500'000 panels as large as an automobile in one field. To make sure those equipment are 100% efficient, you can't proceed to manual and human eye check, one after the other. AISA Imagery proposed solution will require flights over this field of panels using drones equipped with thermal cameras returning a mapping of the heat produced by each panel resulting in a perfect understanding of what exact panels are out of orders or low performing, giving you the opportunity to save time by targeting the panels which needs to be fixed by technicians.